Funeral Flowers
Sympathy flowers are a great way to show support to a family that is grieving the loss of a loved one. Flowers convey love, facilitate expression, provide meaning and communicate emotions
that words fail to capture. Funeral flowers are symbolic of certain emotions, and while the general message of a sympathy flower will be understood in any context, individual types of flowers
can communicate slightly different meanings. For this reason, we’ve decided to explore the meanings of some of the most popular types of funeral flowers.

This lovely flower usually blooms in Summer and is often interpreted as a symbol of renewal on birth. The lily can be a powerful symbol of the spirit of a loved one that offers hope and
encouragement to a grieving family. The idea of rebirth and renewal is particularly applicable to faith-based services. The white colour of the lily also carries association with purity and
youth, making it a good choice for the funeral of someone who has died young.
This enormously popular flower has very different meanings associated with different colours. Like the lily, white roses tend to represent purity and innocence. Peach roses represent
sincerity and gratitude and can be given to a whole family whose loved one has blessed your life. Pink roses also express gratitude. The yellow rose is symbolic of friendship that expresses
your support. All of these colours of roses make great sympathy gifts for a grieving family.

The carnation is a symbol of love. Some people believe that the word carnation came from ‘incarnation.’ The Latin word that refers to God in the flesh. With this in mind, a carnation could be
given as a gift to a family to honour a life that reflected the spirit of Christ. More generally, it can be used to express love for the family or for the loved one who has passed. And since
the carnation is the traditional flower of Mother’s Day, it can be a great choice to honour the life of a person who was a great mother to her children.
The purple hyacinth is a popular symbol of sorrow and regret. For a funeral letting, this expression is certainly appropriate. Sometimes, a simple acknowledgement of the family’s
grief is enough. Instead of attempting to comfort the family with clichés, such as ‘Keep your head up’ and ‘God wouldn’t give you anything more than you can bear,’ allow yourself to accept
the reality of their grief and communicate your sympathy. Let them know you are aware of their suffering and that you care. The purple hyacinth can communicate the pain that you feel upon
hearing of their loss, and this simple sentiment is often just what the family needs.

This gorgeous flower has many meanings, but it is often used as an expression of support or an encouragement to ‘get well soon,’ In many European countries, the chrysanthemum is placed on
graves and viewed as a symbol of death – perfect for an end-of-life ceremony. A symbol of death and mourning, but also support and encouragement, the gift of the chrysanthemum is well-suited
to a funeral setting.
A beautiful representation of strength and character. By giving a grieving family this flower, you essentially remind them what wonderful people they are and encourage them to persevere on
their grief journey. As a sympathy gift the gladioli does not ignore the pain of loss, and it effectively communicates your compassion in a difficult time. But it is also an uplifting
reminder of their strength and of the strength of their loved one, which motivates them as they enter into a difficult chapter of their lives.

The meaning of this flower shouldn’t be too hard to decipher. An emblem of remembrance, the forget-me-knot communicates this simple but essential message to a family: your loved one lives on
in our memories. We tend to shy away from painful emotions, and for this reason, we often avoid the topic of a loved one’s death with the intention of sparing the family additional discomfort.
We stay silent because we don’t want to remind the family of the loss of their loved one. While this approach is well intended, it is often unhelpful. Tell stories, share memories, and talk
about the positive attributes of the loved one. Remind the family that their loved one has impacted the lives of others.
Article kindly provided by Farewells Publication
Article kindly provided by Farewells Publication
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